Dental retraction cord
Dental retraction cord
Special knit construction with cushioned loops for better threading
unique ultra-fine 100% cotton fiber
Ergonomic dispenser bottle for easy filament removal
high quality stainless steel with laser cutting edge
Special knit construction with cushioned loops for better threading
Ergonomic dispenser bottle for easy filament removal
high quality stainless steel with laser cutting edge
unique ultra-fine 100% cotton fiber
Braided thread
The braided thread is woven in the traditional method of weaving a retraction thread, recognized by practicing dentists as optimal (eight-strand, square-shaped in section), which provides quick and easy, at the same time reliable placement in the grooves. The thread does not stick to the tool, does not require the use of a sharp tool.
Retrix EPI 0,1,2
Epinephrine impregnated in a dosage of 0.2 mg per 1 cm.
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Available sizes: 0, 1, 2
Ready to use. Suitable for any clinical case except allergy to epinephrine. Atraumatic insertion to a gingival sulcus
Retrix А
Aluminum sulfate impregnated in a dosage of 0.2 mg per 1 cm
Correspondence to the sizes of threads of the leading manufacturers
RETRIX EPI > RETRIX А > Gingi-pak > Gingi-aid = 0, 1, 2
Knitted thread
The knitted thread is named so because it is produced on high-precision knitting machines specially designed by German specialists. Only such devices are capable of producing thread from such fine and delicate numbers of cotton yarn. In addition, a knitted thread, when viewed in detail, has the shape of a “stocking”. This form of knitting just provides a high degree of hygroscopicity of the thread and ease of use in hard-to-reach areas.
Retrix Fibro EPI
Retrix Fibro 0
Size 1. Thin
Retrix Fibro 1
Retrix Fibro 3
Retrix Fibro 2
Correspondence to the sizes of threads of the leading manufacturers
Retrix Fibro = 0, 1, 2, 3 ULTRAPAK > SURE-CORD = 000, 00, 0, 1
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Available sizes: 0, 1, 2
Ready to use. Suitable for any clinical case except allergy to epinephrine. Green colour
Epinephrine impregnated in a dosage of 0.2 mg per 1 cm.
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Available sizes: 0, 1, 2, 3
Ready to use. Suitable for any clinical case and/or in a case of epinephrine allergy. Blue colour
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Ultrathin. Dark violet colour. Frontal teeth. Double cord technique (lower cord)
Yellow colour. Suitable to use while tooth preparation, restoration, in a case of sensitive gingival tissue
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Size 0
Size 3
Light blue colour. Moderately thick. Gingival retraction in conjunction with hemostatic solutions. Frontal teeth preparation
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Size 2. Medium thickless
Light violet colour. Lower frontal teeth. Veneers, composite restorators. Double cord technique (upper cord)
Package of 280 cm cord lenght
Свойства нитей
High-speed cutting blade in the cap
made of stainless steel ensures a clean cut
Braided or knitted cord
With the ruler printed on label it is easy to cut an appropriate-size cord
Non-impregnated or impregnated with Epinephrine HCL or Aluminium sulfate
Made of thin, fast-absorbing 100% cotton
Biologically compatible
non-toxic dye
Packaging assures asepsis control. After unsealing and cutting the cord inside stays sterile
The retraction cord is certified. Registration Certificate, Certificate of Conformity and non-mandatory. Compliance Certificate are available
About company
"Severnaya Fabrika" is one of the largest manufacturers of dental retraction threads in Russia and the CIS. We have been working since 2009, we strive to continuously develop and be the flagship of the import substitution segment in our field.
Our goal is to create products of the highest quality, not inferior to
international counterparts, using innovative methods and contributing to the development of the medical industry.
To obtain high quality products, materials from the world's leading manufacturers, unique Russian engineering developments are used, the teaching staff, as well as the laboratory and technical base of the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design are involved.
Since 2015, Severnaya Fabrika has been an active exhibitor of Dental Expo dental exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as a participant in the largest international exhibitions of dental, textile and other specialized subjects.
Our strategy
Growth and leadership in the production of retraction cords. 50 cities of presence
Commitment to the highest safety and certification standards
Innovation and development of engineering competencies in the medical industry
General distributor
Rokada Med has been operating in the dental market since 1991. Today Rokada Med is an industry leader: every fourth dental clinic in the country uses materials or equipment delivered to Russia by this company.
Branches are located in 20 regions of the Russian Federation. Rokada Med is the largest company providing the development of the Russian dental market.
General Director of the company Alexander Maksimov heads the non-profit organization "Union Medical Resources", which takes part in the country's legislative activities.
Therefore, Rokada Med is certainly the flagship of the Russian dentistry market.
Москва ,ул. Бутлерова, д. 17, БЦ "Нео Гео", блок B, офис 5148
Телефон т. +7 (495) 22 88 177, +7 (917) 92 00034
г. Москва, ул. Ленинская Слобода, д.19, 4 этаж, часть комнаты 21ж-3
Телефон: 8(495)2288377
Электронная почта:
г.Иваново, ул. Калинина, д.9/21, офис 433
Телефон +7 (910) 973-15-25, +7 (962) 210-05-99
Калуга, ул. Труда, д. 15, этаж 4 Телефон +7 (915) 890-11-85
+7 (915) 890-11-85
Рязань, г. Рязань, ул. Есенина, д.36 Б, офис 314
Телефон +7 (4912) 40 70 88, +7 980 560 70 88
Ярославль, улица Некрасова,д. 41, офис 252
Телефон +7 (4852) 33 15 25, +7 962 210 05 99
Ижевск, ул. Пушкинская, д.270, офис 503
Телефон +7 (3412) 651 990
Казань, пр-т Победы, д. 204 В
Телефон +7 (843) 570-60-70
Нижний Новгород, ул. Генкиной, д. 42/15
Телефон +7 (831) 211-45-55
Набережные Челны, пр. Мира, дом 18, помещение 1010, 2 этаж
Телефон +7 (8552) 53-41-53
Стерлитамак, ул.Худайбердина, д. 58, офис 72
Телефон +7 (986) 700-85-65
Оренбургуг, ул. Аксакова, дом 19, офис 5
Телефон +7 (353) 291-70-70
Пенза, ул. Пушкина, д. 15, офис 16
Телефон +7 (841) 222-27-27, +7 (987) 516-27-27
Самара, Московское шоссе, 55, БЦ «Москва», оф.402, 406, 407, 4 этаж
Телефон +7(846) 374-28-08
Тольятти, ул. Дзержинского, д. 90а, офис 33,34.
Телефон +7 (848) 269-39-69
Саратов, ул. Проспект Строителей, д.1, корпус 3А, офис 7
Телефон +7 (8452) 44 88 12, +7 917 208 48 12
Ульяновск, ул. Орлова, д. 22
Телефон +7 (8422) 22-61-61, 8 (987) 630-01-61
Уфа, ул. Комсомольская д. 148
Телефон +7 (347) 295-65-55
Чебоксары, ул. Тукташа, д. 7/8
Телефон +7 (8352) 755 980, +7 919 97 24 980
Пермь, ул. Фонтанная, 16, офис 107
Телефон +7(342)256-10-21
199155,Russia, Saint-Petersburg, ul.Uralskaya, d.13, litter I, office 005
Руиз Татьяна Александровна
Руководитель отдела снабжения и логистики
Стерлитамак, ул.Худайбердина, д. 58, офис 72
Телефон +7 (986) 700-85-65
Оренбургуг, ул. Аксакова, дом 19, офис 5
Телефон +7 (353) 291-70-70
Пенза, ул. Пушкина, д. 15, офис 16
Телефон +7 (841) 222-27-27, +7 (987) 516-27-27
Самара, Московское шоссе, 55, БЦ «Москва», оф.402, 406, 407, 4 этаж
Телефон +7(846) 374-28-08
Тольятти, ул. Дзержинского, д. 90а, офис 33,34.
Телефон +7 (848) 269-39-69
Саратов, ул. Проспект Строителей, д.1, корпус 3А, офис 7
Телефон +7 (8452) 44 88 12, +7 917 208 48 12
Ульяновск, ул. Орлова, д. 22
Телефон +7 (8422) 22-61-61, 8 (987) 630-01-61
Уфа, ул. Комсомольская д. 148
Телефон +7 (347) 295-65-55
Чебоксары, ул. Тукташа, д. 7/8
Телефон +7 (8352) 755 980, +7 919 97 24 980
Пермь, ул. Фонтанная, 16, офис 107
Москва ,ул. Бутлерова, д. 17, БЦ "Нео Гео", блок B, офис 5148
Телефон т. +7 (495) 22 88 177, +7 (917) 92 00034
г. Москва, ул. Ленинская Слобода, д.19, 4 этаж, часть комнаты 21ж-3
Телефон: 8(495)2288377
Электронная почта:
г.Иваново, ул. Калинина, д.9/21, офис 433
Телефон +7 (910) 973-15-25, +7 (962) 210-05-99
Калуга, ул. Труда, д. 15, этаж 4 Телефон +7 (915) 890-11-85
+7 (915) 890-11-85
Рязань, г. Рязань, ул. Есенина, д.36 Б, офис 314
Телефон +7 (4912) 40 70 88, +7 980 560 70 88
Ярославль, улица Некрасова,д. 41, офис 252
Телефон +7 (4852) 33 15 25,
+7 962 210 05 99
Ижевск, ул. Пушкинская, д.270, офис 503
Телефон +7 (3412) 651 990
Казань, пр-т Победы, д. 204 В
Телефон +7 (843) 570-60-70
Нижний Новгород, ул. Генкиной, д. 42/15
Телефон +7 (831) 211-45-55
Набережные Челны, пр. Мира, дом 18, помещение 1010, 2 этаж
Телефон +7 (8552) 53-41-53
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